G-Node Open Data
9 Registered Datasets with keyword: calcium imaging
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Chronic in vivo calcium imaging dataset of auditory cortical populations in passively listening mice under 2-photon laser ablation Noda T, Rumpel S | 10 Mar. 2025 | 10.12751/g-node.2gxcrx |
Task-specific modulation of corticospinal neuron activity during motor learning Serradj N, Marino F, Moreno-López Y, Bernstein A, Agger S, Soliman M, Sloan A, Hollis E | 14 Apr. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.sbrmy3 |
PyView: A general purpose tool for analyzing calcium imaging data Kumaraswamy A, Raiser G, Galizia CG | 04 Feb. 2023 | 10.12751/g-node.ezh5w2 |
Emergence of a time-independent population code in auditory cortex enables sound categorization and discrimination learning Bagur S, Bourg J, Kempf A, Tarpin T, Bergaoui K, Guo Y, Ceballo S, Schwenkgrub J, Puel J, Bourien J, Bathellier B | 13 Dec. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.sz67di |
Collection of Datasets for testing PyVIEW Kumaraswamy A, Galizia CG | 25 Sep. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.4c44i5 |
Chronic in vivo calcium imaging dataset of neuronal populations in the auditory cortex of passively listening mice. Baseline and auditory cued fear conditioning cohorts Aschauer DF, Eppler J | 07 Jan. 2022 | 10.12751/g-node.trwj8c |
The physiological basis for contrast opponency in motion computation in Drosophila Ramos-Traslosheros G, Silies M | 28 Jun. 2021 | 10.12751/g-node.qeeyfz |
Chemogenetic modulation and single-photon calcium imaging in anterior cingulate cortex reveal a mechanism for effort-based decisions Hart E, Blair G, O'Dell T, Blair HT, Izquierdo A | 08 Jun. 2020 | 10.12751/g-node.d0c1ad |
Data and code for Brysch et al. 2019: Functional architecture underlying binocular coordination of eye position and velocity in the larval zebrafish hindbrain Brysch C, Leyden C, Arrenberg AB | 24 Oct. 2019 | 10.12751/g-node.6521de |